TCEQ Approved Credit Hours
7.5 hours Wastewater Operators
Course Description
This interactive course is intended for wastewater operators and anyone responsible for demonstrating compliance with requirements associated with Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES), Texas Land Application permits (TLAP), and sludge disposal authorizations. The training will also benefit those conducting sampling and testing for TPDES pretreatment programs and process control.
Topics that will be discussed are applicable regulations; how to determine what parameters need to be monitored; what the proper sampling techniques are, how to use sampling and flow measurement equipment, and what an appropriate sampling location is. Also, discussed will be the value of standards operating procedures, sources for approved analytical methods and data quality objectives; what documentation is required to validate the quality of analytical results; and what safety practices should
be considered.
Exercises and handouts will be utilized. The goals of the exercises are to help attendees obtain a better understanding of regulatory requirements, how to identify approved analytical methods, how to calculate aliquot volumes for composite samples, and how to review and validate chain-of-custody and laboratory reports.
A course summary and question and answer session will be conducted at the end of the day.