CMOM 2022 - In-Person

Artwork 53

Capacity, Management, Operation & Maintenance (CMOM) 2022

View the Draft Program Here

13.5 hours of CEU wastewater credit will be requested through TCEQ. Professional Engineers will receive 15 PDH (includes ethics).

In association with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 6, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Water Environment Association of Texas, and Austin Water. Proper operation, maintenance, and management of wastewater collection systems are essential to reduce sanitary sewer overflows (SSOs) and protect public health and the environment. The CMOM approach outlines a dynamic system management framework that encourages evaluating and prioritizing efforts to identify and correct performance problems in collection systems. This workshop will allow EPA and state regulators to come together with their municipal permit holders to discuss examples of strong CMOM practices. The workshop is targeted toward all municipalities or special districts that manage wastewater collection systems, as well as their operators, engineers, management professionals, and consultants.

Additional information can be found in our flyer.

Hotel Room Block

Hilton Garden Inn- $131/night, Deadline: August 9, 2022
500 North Interstate 35, Austin, TX 78701
Book online here

Stephen F. Austin Hotel - SOLD OUT

The Driskill - SOLD OUT


  • WEAT/WEF Member: $190.00
  • Non-Member: $260.00 (includes WEAT-only Membership)
  • Austin Water, TCEQ, TWDB, and EPA receive Complimentary Registration

Early Registration (deadline: August 2, 2022)

  • WEAT/WEF Member: $165.00
  • Non-Member: $235.00 (includes WEAT-only Membership)
  • Austin Water, TCEQ, TWDB, and EPA receive Complimentary Registration

Join us for WEAT's "Are you ready for some CMOM" Networking Event. Register or Sponsor online here.

Exhibits (limited exhibitor opportunities)

Exhibit Booth: $500.00 - SOLD OUT!!

  • Spaces will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis after the payment of the exhibitor registration fee is received.
  • There are a limited number of exhibit spaces available. Please sign up and pay early to ensure you get the size space you desire!
  • All exhibit spaces will be assigned prior to the conference.
Register Here

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