Imagine a Day Without Water (IDWW) 2021 Calendar - SALE!

Calendar Cover Art 2021

The 2021 Imagine a Day Without Water Art Calendar, curated by the Water Environment Association of Texas (WEAT) and Texas American Water Works Association (TAWWA), is the final product of our annual student art contest, just one of many outreach events we do each year as part of our shared mission to promote environmental stewardship and a lifelong love of water in Texans of all ages.

For this year’s competition, students were asked to create art based on the prompt, “What do you love about water? Why is water important to you, your friends, and your family?”

The calendar includes a collection of the best and most intriguing responses we received from students across the state. We hope you will enjoy these images and maybe even take inspiration from them to rethink the way you use water in your home and daily life.

Support for the contest provided by:

  • WEAT Southeast Section

  • TAWWA Southeast Section

  • WEAT San Antonio / TAWWA South Texas Section
    • Freese & Nichols

    • Kimley-Horn

Purchase a 2021 Imagine a Day Without Water Calendar for $13 or 2 for $20. Sales go towards supporting Water for People. Available for preorder today!

For bulk sales, please contact


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