Innovative Tech Tuesday: 120Water Lead Service Line Management Starts with Your Inventory

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For the first time in history, lead service line inventorying will be mandated nationally. With the revised Lead and Copper Rule, all utilities - with both publicly and privately-owned service line material - will now need to create an inventory whether they think they have lead service lines or not.

Over the next few months, it will be critical to create your plan and begin building your inventory as this will serve as the foundation of your compliance program and access to available funding resources.

Join 120Water experts, Erica Walker, Rory Billing and Richard Armstrong, as they share best practices for creating and validating your inventory plus how to use digital solutions to create efficiencies and save you money throughout the journey.


Erica Walker - Erica Walker is the Sr. Director of Solution Services at 120Water. She joined 120Water in late 2018 from the Indiana Finance Authority, where she managed a statewide drinking water lead sampling program for public schools. She also has worked for the Water Quality Research Program for the City of Bloomington, Ind. and in the Air, Pesticides, Toxins Management Division of the US Environmental Protection Agency. She holds master’s degrees in Environmental Science and Public Affairs from Indiana University.

Rory Billing - Rory Billing is the Director of Solutions for 120Water. He draws on his past experiences in the technology and services industries to help the 120Water team translate market feedback into product strategy. Feel free to start a conversation with Rory about applications of the 120Water platform, the challenges posed by LCRR, or the frustrations of being a Cincinnati Reds fan at any time!

Richard Armstrong - Richard Armstrong is a Regional Sales Director at 120Water leading the team that works in Texas along with other states out west. He has extensive experience in data management solutions and most recently worked in the digital healthcare field. Richard is passionate about bringing that experience to the water industry and helping folks through the challenges that the LCR Revisions are putting on their plate.

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