Opening Up the Taps: Unlocking Funding Streams for Water Reuse Projects

Q3 26

With high construction costs and the need to meet growing water demand, funding capital improvements projects can be challenging. This webinar will focus on funding opportunities for water reuse projects in Texas. Representatives from the US EPA, Texas Water Development Board, and Bureau of Reclamation will give overviews of their funding programs, including what funds are available and how to apply. After the presentations, there will be time for questions from the audience and a focused panel discussion.


  • Dallas Shattuck, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s WIFIA program
  • Scott Galaway, Texas Water Development Board
  • Luis Cruzado, Bureau of Reclamation's Oklahoma-Texas
  • Bill Marriott, Stantec, Moderator

Registration and Sponsorship

WEAT Member Registration: Complimentary

Non-Member Registration: $85

Webinar Sponsorship: $300

Sponsorship includes your name and logo acknowledgment at the webinar, on the WEAT website, in the bimonthly Texas WET magazine, and on the WEAT social media pages.

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