Conversation Starters: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Texas Water Sector

Q1 01

Join this panel discussion on conversation starters for DE&I programs!

Produced by the WEAT DE&I Committee, this webinar is a panel discussion covering DE&I topic conversation starters, DE&I programs and implementation, and the lessons learned in building out these programs.


L'Oreal Stepney, Deputy Executive Director of TCEQ

Christina Brooks, Chief Equity Officer and Director of the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Department of the City of Fort Worth

Eric Dargan, Chief Operating Officer of City of Houston

Moderator: Charmaine Jackson, Southwest Water Company


Registration and Sponsorship

WEAT Member Registration: complimentary

Non-Member Registration: complimentary

Webinar Sponsorship: $300

Sponsorship includes your name and logo acknowledgment at the webinar, on the WEAT website, in the bimonthly TexasWET magazine, and on WEAT social media pages.

DE&I Webinar: Conversation Starters

“The DEI committee welcomes new members to join, inclusion is how we unleash the power of diversity. Join us in leading WEAT with a diverse mix of voices as we are empowering all members to flourish and grow within our industry and amongst our communities."

- Tanya Miro, WEAT DE&I Committee Vice Chair

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