87th Legislative Session Wrap-up

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The 87th Texas Legislative session has taken more turns than a rollercoaster at Six Flags. From legislating priorities in a pandemic to electrical grid reliability and weatherization issues exposed by winter storm Uri, this session has been unlike any in history. And water issues moved from the basement discussions to front and center.

Join water policy experts across Texas as they discuss high-priority bills for their organizations, hot takes on the session, and legislative implementation, and issues of interest for the interim.

Speakers Include:

Liz Fazio Hale, General Manager/CEO, Gulf Coast Authority
John Byrum
, Executive Director, Nueces River Authority
David Kelly
, Government Relations Adviser, North Texas Municipal Water District
Julie Nahrgang
, Executive Director, WEAT | TACWA

Heather Cooke
, Acting Chief Administrative Officer, Austin Water

1.5 hours of CEUs have been approved by the TCEQ.

Registration and Sponsorship:

  • Complimentary registration for members.
  • Non-member Registration ($65)
    Registration includes webinar and 1-year of WEAT-only membership.
  • Sponsorship opportunities are currently available!
    Webinar Sponsorship - $300
    Sponsorship includes your name and logo acknowledgment at the webinar, on the WEAT website, and on WEAT social media pages.
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